The goal of the Tongue Dance is – as it always was – to dive into the primordial soup of secretive connection of the voice and movement, and surface the secret for the ones that will be present where the Tongue Dance will take place. Where exactly will the Tongue Dance take place, you might…

Jezični ples z DISKOlektivom nekje v Ljubljani, 22.7.2020 ob 23.45
DISKOlektiv vabi na plesno in jezično igranje z jeziki po igrivi, zabavni, globinski koreografski predlogi “Jezični ples” (, v kateri se Božidar Šumi uri od leta 2013, sedaj pa se mu pri tem pridružuje tudi DISKOlektiv. Del koreografske predloge je med drugim tudi to, da morate za natančno lokacijo Jezičnega plesa pisati na ali…

Tongue Dance in Zagreb, 30th June at 17.00
Please contact or +38640226981 or for exact location in Zagreb — DISCOllective invites you to the inventive, witty and fun choreographic proposal by Božidar Šumi. You are welcome to join in any role (spectator, performer, critic, passer-by…) Secretive dance (contemporary!). Secretive ballet chorus (and some soloists). Secretive time (in the evening). Secretive voice…

Jezični ples z DISKOlektivom nekje v Ljubljani, 22.6.2020 od 16.30 do 18.30
DISKOlektiv vabi na plesno in jezično igranje z jeziki po igrivi, zabavni, globinski koreografski predlogi “Jezični ples” (, v kateri se Božidar Šumi uri od leta 2013, sedaj pa se mu pri tem pridružuje tudi DISKOlektiv. Del koreografske predloge je med drugim tudi to, da morate za natančno lokacijo Jezičnega plesa pisati na ali…
We are getting old. We get this from our surrounding. Voices from movement never grow old, they are not from this surrounding. They are never from its surrounding. They are resounding it, inhabiting and leave no trace. A lace on your face is a place for my voice to avoid the void.

Božidar dancing Tongue Dance in Skopje, Thursday, 17th August 2017
It will be litterally dancing in tongues of fire, since the temperatures in Skopje soar toward 40 degrees Celsius. It will remain secret by the time performance of Tongue Dance will have reach its goal, how on Earth Božidar will pull through the flames of excited fire. The goal of the Tongue Dance is –…

Božidar Šumi, Jezični ples, Ljubljana, 21.3.2017
Skrivna lokacija v Ljubljani. Skrivna ura v torek, 21.3.2017, zvečer. Natačno uro in kraj dogodka dobite, če pišete na Skrivni ples (sodobni!). Skrivni baletni zbor (in nekaj solistov). Skrivni čas (zvečer). Skrivni glas (brez instance). Skrivna revolucija (C’est arrivé près de chez vous). Vabljeni, da praznujete z nami (skrivno). Dokler ne umremo! Jezični ples…

Božidar Šumi, Tongue Dance, Zagreb, Monday 20th March 2017
Secret location in Zagreb. Secret hour on Monday, 20th March 2017, afternoon. Exact location and hour of the Tongue Dance one can get by writing to Secretive dance (contemporary!). Secretive ballet chorus (and some soloists). Secretive time (in the evening). Secretive voice (with no instance). Secretive evolution (C’est arrivé près de chez vous). You…

Deep movement voice from fascia
Božidar again in Zagreb. Friday, 3rd June 2016, 10.00. We meet at Šulekova 6 and Božidar will take us places 🙂 More info +38640226981

Božidar jabbering in Zagreb on 22nd May 2016
Božidar will wait for you in front of Šulekova 6 in Zagreb on Sunday 22nd May at noon (12.00pm) to take you to a secret place for his jabbering to take place and reveal yet unrevealed secrets of the secret place. Oh, I wanted to write sacred place. Maybe this secret place in Zagreb will…