Secretive dance (contemporary!). Secretive ballet chorus (and some soloists). Secretive time (in the evening). Secretive voice (with no instance). Secretive evolution (C’est arrivé près de chez vous). You are kindly invited to celebrate with us (secretively). Until we die! Tongue Dance is a secret festive dance.
Ask and you will be given the answer.
Tongue Dance chats about the language with the tongue in the language that it is not the language. To dam the burst-out of the silence that roisters in each one of us. And to tear the body apart roaring, to reassemble it in the lump of gold. To sell it. So it surrenders. And to add it to some syllables. Lullaby. With Božidar. Watchfully. I sleep. I wake. Waking. Buddha’s statue stating. The Thing. The Message. Otherwise we are having fun. Until the end of the life. At least mine. If not also yours. Each year in the spring.
29th May 2013 was hundred years since the opening of Le Sacre du Printemps, choreographed by Vaclav Nižinski, composed by Igor Stravinski.
Tongue Dance is part of In Me Mor I Am Gre Gor Kam Nikar which in turn is part of Triptych (beside 39 and Museum).
First of 39 exercises to die for was first time performed 29 May 2010.
Produced by International Dance Terrorist Organization
Skrivni ples (sodobni!). Skrivni baletni zbor (in nekaj solistov). Skrivni čas (zvečer). Skrivni glas (brez instance). Skrivna revolucija (C’est arrivé près de chez vous). Vabljeni, da praznujete z nami (skrivno). Dokler ne umremo! Jezični ples je skrivnostni praznični ples.
Vprašajte in dobili boste odgovor.
Jezični ples jezika o jeziku z jezikom v jeziku, ki to ni. Zato, da zajezi izbruh tišine, ki buči v vsakem izmed nas. Bučno trga telo in ga sestavi v kepo zlata. Da se proda. Preda. Prida k nekaterim zlogom. Zbogom. Z Božidarjem. Ždim. Spim. Zbudim. Budim. Budin kip, ki kipi. Kri(k). Drugače je pa žur. Do konca življenja. Vsaj mojega. Če ne tudi tvojega. Vsako leto spomladi.
29. 5. 2013 je sto let od krstne uprizoritve Posvetitve pomladi v koreografiji Vaclava Nižinskega po glasbi Igorja Stravinskega v Parizu.
Projekt “Jezični ples” je del projekta “In Me Mor I Am Gre Gor Kam NIkar“, ki je posvečen delu Gregorja Kamnikarja, ki je kot umetnik preminul 25. 4. 2011. “In Me Mor I Am Gre Gor Kam Nikar” je drugi del triptiha, katerega prvi del je bil zadnji projekt Gregorja Kamnikarja “39“.
“39” je bil prvič izveden 29. 5. 2010.
Produkcija: International Dance Terrorist Organization